Sunday, January 11, 2015

Time flies, even when you're not having fun... ;-)

I was aware it had been a long time since I last updated my blog... But I didn't realize it had been over a year!... *gasp* Life has been busy, and papercrafting was relegated to the back burner when I decided to start exercising more seriously again... :-/
Over the last year my creative outlet has been making jewelry. Let's face it, it takes less time to make a pair of earrings than a card sometimes. I think I also needed to take a break from some stuff related to papercrafting, or maybe it's just that I lost my mojo, and let the clutter on my desk take over... >.<
I hope I'll get back to it at some point, I miss it...
But it is what it is, and I am finally learning to take life one day at a time...
So we'll just have to see what tomorrow brings... :-)


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