Before we even start, a little disclaimer: the ugly colors on my walls are from the previous owners, eventually this room is supposed to become a nicely relaxing pale aqua blue or something like that... ;-)
This is actually a corner of my bedroom. (Who paints their bedroom poop brown!?... No wonder they got divorced!...) When my parents came in December I enlisted my Dad to make me a custom desk!!! We bought wood, he designed the desk to fit in the little window nook and hug my 2 little plastic organizers on wheels, then it was sanding, and staining/varnish time. Isn't my Dad just the best?? :-D
This is my desk and the cool view above... It's perfect in the morning and very relaxing, but in the afternoon it gets way too hot to work there since the sun hits directly that window! It's Florida! ;-)
The little shelf is still waiting for "someone" to get his electric saw out and cut it in half (to go on the opposite wall maybe) or at least to the size of the desk for more visual appeal... so it is sitting on my containers for now... the little glass jars (from Ikea) hold my buttons and dew drops by colors.
My papers and cardstocks are stored in the 2 big 12X12 file holders on the left of the desk.
The last drawer is a sort of "catch-all" for all albums, templates and such.
On the right I have a little rolling cart with My Cuttlebug and accessories, and that's about it!
As you can see there is A LOT of stuff in there so given the tiny space I think it's not too badly organized! Maybe one day I will have my own stamping room with stuff all over the place! For now I am trying to keep it contained and I am proud to say that I usually find what I am looking for very quickly! And the sight of all those colors makes me happy.
Now of course, I'm sure you have guessed that I removed the pile of "current projects" from the top of the desk before snapping away!... ;-D...
I love seeing your work spot Bee!! And thank you for just giving me a wonderful use for my jar candles that are almost used up.....I was gonna throw them away!! But now I've got your awesome idea to CASE!!!! Thanks!! I sure hope you are finding some relaxing YOU time!!!
Thanks for sharing your creative spot! I love seeing peoples spaces. Your jars are so yummy looking with all those colors!
ahhh, what a wonderful work it!!!
How neat and organised are you??!!!! I am not jealous... I'm not... well ok maybe just a little tinsy winsy bit! Lol! It looks great but it's far too tidy. You need to mess it up a bit!! Lol!
Your organization is inspirational.
By the way, my bedroom is painted poop brown. So is my dining room and office. Very funny!!!! Hope you get your fav color soon.
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